
Three words to describe 2017

Normally, I’m big on setting New Year’s resolutions and goals and normally, I stick to them for a few months and by June, I’ve forgotten what my resolution was. I changed this in 2016. For 2016, I decided to call it the “year of travel.” That was my goal and resolution, I wanted to travel and I’m so glad I did. I started 2016 in New Orleans, visited Belize, Nashville, Cancun, Maine and Belize again. I think it’s safe to say that I had a year of travel.

For 2017, I’ve decided to choose three words that I hope will describe 2017 in a nutshell.


arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale.

Organized is my first word. It takes a lot for me to stay clean and organized. My room is almost always messy and I tend to live out of my car. I’m great at organizing my day and sticking to deadlines, so I’m hoping to somehow pull that over to my living situation. I’ve started bullet journaling and I think that will help a bit. I also hope to organize and meal plan more this year.


a thing intended; an aim or plan
I want to have more intention in my day, meals, workouts and everything. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in a rut and am just waking up, working and living without purpose. I know that’s not true, so I just want to live with more of a plan and an intention for my day.


a strong desire to travel.
The last word is the scariest for me. Wanderlust has hit me hard the past two years (thanks Cara & Brittani). I can’t fathom how much their is to see on this world. 2017 will be another year of traveling. I’m headed to South Africa in April and it’s so scary, but so exciting. I also hope to go on a solo (or somewhat solo) hiking trip in 2017. I’m not sure where or when, but I know it’s something I need to do this year.
What are your 2017 words? Goals? Resolutions?
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  • Reply My Whole30 plan – MeganPaleo

    […] recipes. I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m lazy. But! I am doing my best to stay organized and meal prep, but that doesn’t mean my meals have to be hard to make. At the end of the […]

    January 5, 2017 at 11:18 am
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