
My transition to natural deodorant

Everyone has their reasons for switching to more natural products, whether it’s make-up, cleaning products or even deodorant. It’s a personal choice and if you’re like me, you probably find it all a bit overwhelming.

I’ve been seeing stuff on Instagram and Facebook about natural deodorant for a few years now. Honestly, I was really nervous (and slightly too lazy) to switch. I’ve read all the horror stories of how bad deodorant is for you because aluminum is the main active ingredient. I’d read that natural deodorants don’t work and I really didn’t want to be the smelly person at work…

I finally convinced myself to buy Schmidt’s and Native to try out when I was out of my normal Dove deodorant. Also, I wanted to try them out before summer hit Texas. We all know the sweat will be realllll when it’s 99+ degrees outside. So far, I’ve only tried Schmidt’s so remember that for this review.

How I detoxed my armpits

Personally, I’ve had no issues with switching. I think the important thing was detoxing. I did a lot of research before switching and each and every site said to detox before switching. I detoxed by doing a clay mask on my armpits twice. I think this really helped my armpits before starting natural deodorant. I’ve also started dry brushing my armpits before a shower or bath as well. I know it sounds weird, but apparently detoxing can really make a difference before just jumping in and starting a new natural deodorant.

I’ve received multiple messages from people who have switched and have broken out in a rash. I’ve done a bit of research and apparently a few things can cause this, but the most likely cause is the baking soda in the natural deodorants. I think if you detox and you’re still breaking out, look for a baking soda free natural deodorant to give a try. 

My friend/coworker Veronika, shared in her post about natural deodorant that she experiences a rash and switched to Native sensitive deodorant and hasn’t had any issues since. It’s definitely something to look into if you’re experiencing a rash or irritation. 

Now for some questions…

Would you recommend on feet?
I do have sweaty feet, but I think the coconut oil in some of the natural deodorant would make it hard to walk without slipping out of sandals, etc.

Did you ever get a rash?
I never experienced rashes, but know a few people who did. Definitely try a baking soda free natural deodorant and see if that helps! 

How did you prevent rashes?
Detox! Before starting, I read a lot of information and this was the number one suggestion to help prevent issues. 

Does it make you sweat more?
Actually, I feel like I sweat less. I have the feeling of sweat more, only because natural deodorant allows you to sweat, unlike aluminum deodorant. It’s a weird feeling and takes some time to get used to, but I don’t feel like I smell or anything!

Does it stain clothes?
I definitely had some people messaging me asking if the coconut oil stains my clothes. I haven’t had any shirts stained, but my bras do have some slight discoloration. We’ll see if the summer months lead to more stains.

Do you use natural deodorant? Which brand do you like?

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